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  • General Election 2019 – what it means for our communications

    The race for Number 10 is officially underway – and that has implications for a non-departmental public body like CCWater. In the run-up to polling day on 12 December we’ll be limited in what we can say and do due...

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  • Business Customer Insight research 2019

    We collaborated with the water regulator, Ofwat, to commission research between March and June 2019 to investigate business customers’ experiences interacting with the water and wastewater non-household retail market in England, which opened in April 2017.  This research was used...

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  • Regulator may need to step in to tackle poor water market performers

    Regulatory action may be needed to tackle the root causes of rising complaints from business customers about their water and sewerage services, the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) has warned. The Water Watchdog says poor performing retailers and wholesalers may...

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  • Water market hampered by falling satisfaction and low awareness

    Falling satisfaction levels and a wave of billing complaints must not be allowed to dampen business customers’ enthusiasm to shop around for a better water deal, a new report has warned. Research by the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) has...

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  • Small businesses being left behind by water market

    Small businesses have not been empowered to make the most of their freedom to switch water retailer, during the first two years of competition in England. The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) says low awareness of the retail water market...

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  • Contact us

    Online You can make an enquiry or complaint using our online form. If you’re making a complaint, please follow our complaint process before getting in touch. Please be aware that it may take us longer than usual to answer your...

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  • Statement on EFRA committee report on regulation

    The Consumer Council for Water has published a statement in response to the recommendations made by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Inquiry into Regulation of the Water Industry opens in new window: On leakage: Tony Smith, Chief Executive...

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  • SES Water scolded for rise in customer calls to resolve problems

    The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) has warned SES Water to improve its service after a sharp rise in calls from customers to resolve complaints and other problems. The Water Watchdog is calling on the Surrey-based supplier to address a...

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  • Water Watchdog publishes Annual Review 2017/18

    We’re delighted to announce the publication of our Annual Review for England and Wales 2017/18. It sets out what we delivered for consumers during a year when water companies – and the essential services they provide – faced intense public...

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