Can a water meter save you money?

Try our water meter calculator to see potential savings if you switched to a water meter. If your water company can’t install a meter, they may offer an assessed charge. Even if you’re renting, you can have a meter installed as long as your lease is at least six months long. For more information, watch our video on everything you need to know about water meters (video).


  1. Your water company details (required)

    Error: Water company cannot be 'none'. Set the water company or uncheck the checkbox in the charges section

  2. Your sewerage company details

    The most likely company to charge you for the sewerage element of your bill is shown below. Use the drop down box below if you know this to be different.

    Error: Sewerage company cannot be 'no sewerage service'. Set the sewerage company or uncheck the checkbox in the charges section.

  3. Water use
    Error: The field is required

  4. Charges

    Please tick the services you want to include in the calculation.

  5. Current charges
    Surface water drainage occurs when rainwater falls on a property and drains away. Your sewerage company is responsible for removing and processing this rainwater and charge for this service. If rainwater does not drain from your property into a public sewer, because you have a soakaway or similar, you may already receive or be entitled to a surface water drainage rebate.

  6. Additional information

    To help us identify areas where consumers are considering getting a meter, please provide your complete postcode (optional)


These figures are only estimates to give you a rough idea of your bill if you switch to a water meter. They may vary based on your appliances and water usage, so don’t challenge your water company’s charges based on these estimates. Instead, check with your company to see if they have their own water meter calculator.​

If you choose to get a water meter, it’s usually free and you can switch back to the unmetered charge within 24 months if you’re unhappy (except for customers in water-stressed areas of England where compulsory metering is introduced). If a water meter isn’t an option, the company may offer a cheaper alternative.