Our approved advice

Our advice hub is packed with information and useful tools to help you reduce your bills or access financial support, including advice on the different types of schemes that water companies provide.

Water companies understand that people can struggle to pay their bills and fall into debt at times. If this happens to you, contact your water company and explain your situation so that they can provide you with the best support they can offer.

Not every water company is able to offer all the schemes featured in our hub.

Struggling to pay your water bill? Help is waiting

Join more than a million households in England and Wales that are already receiving reduced bills through water company support schemes.

help with my bills animation
Watch our animation to see what support through our advice and your water company schemes.

Available help

  • Reduced bills

    Every water company has a social tariff scheme which can help reduce your bills if you’re on a low income. Who is eligible for help and the level of support varies depending on your water company.
    Social tariff scheme
  • Trial a water meter

    Our water meter calculator can help you work out if you might be better off switching to a water meter. Some households find they can cut their bills by hundreds of pounds. If your water company can't fit a meter, you may benefit from an assessed charge.
    Use our calculator
  • Debt support schemes

    Ask your water company about its debt support scheme. These can reduce debt if customers stick to a payment plan. You will need to make payments against a pre-agreed payment plan set by your water company.
    Our dealing with debt advice
  • Financial hardship funds

    See if your water company has a fund that can help you clear your debt. Grants can be awarded to help with water debt or other financial difficulties.
    Contact your water company
  • Bill cap scheme – WaterSure

    This scheme caps the water and sewerage bill of customers in receipt of income-related benefits who have a water meter, and either a large family or member of the household with a medical condition who uses lots of water. Eligibility rules apply.
  • Water Direct – using benefit payments

    This scheme gives you the option to pay your water and sewerage charges through your welfare benefits if you are already in debt with your water company.
  • Flexible payment plans

    Your water company can offer flexible payment plans (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) and in some cases can offer ‘payment breaks’ to help you through short-term financial difficulties.
  • Payment breaks

    Your water company can offer a payment break if you temporarily need to reduce or stop your payments for a limited time.
  • Better Off Calculator

    Boost your income and check to see if you’re receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to.
    Use Better Off Calculator
  • Help if you live alone

    In the rare circumstances that you request a water meter but your water company is not able to fit one, they must give you the choice to switch to a fixed single occupier tariff. If you stop living alone, you would no longer be eligible for this tariff.
  • Organisations that can help

    For free, independent advice to those experiencing financial problems, see our list of organisations that help if you’re struggling to pay.
    What organisations help those struggling to pay?
  • Save water and money

    It’s also worth looking at our advice on saving water which may help to lower your water and energy bills.
    Save money and water
  • Government cost of living advice

    The Government has also set up a cost of living advice page which brings together all the help available to households facing cost of living pressures.
    Cost of living advice

Social tariffs

Every water company has a social tariff scheme which can help reduce your bills if you’re on a low income. Who is eligible for help and the level of support varies depending on your water company. See if you’re eligible for its scheme:

Who can get help?

Customers are eligible in either of the following circumstances

  • household income of less than £19,995 excluding benefits.


  • Receiving one of the following benefits – Income related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Job Seeker’s Allowance, Housing Benefit, Universal Credit, Pension Credit.

What help is provided?

Annual clean water bills are capped at £143.80.

If you receive a council tax reduction/support, you may be eligible for a higher rate discount where the clean water bill will be fixed at £79.70.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to company at www.affinitywater.co.uk/lowincome

Who can get help?

An individual financial assessment is used to determine eligibility.

What help is provided?

Reduced metered tariff based on customer circumstances. Up to 50% annual bill reduction.

How can I apply?

Applications can be made to the company in the first instance:


Who can get help?

WaterCare is a tariff for Bournemouth Water customers who pay 5% or more of their equivalised income (after housing costs) on their household bill. Equivalised income is actual money income which is adjusted to reflect the size of a household. For example, an income of £200 is worth more to a single person than it would be to a family with 3 children.

To qualify for WaterCare you must have either a meter or on assessed charges.

What help is provided?

There are 5 bandings which will be applied to your account between 15% and 85%.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to the company https://www.bournemouthwater.co.uk/bills/need-help-paying-your-bill/

Who can get help?

Low income households who are assessed as being in financial difficulty.

What help is provided?

A low rate tariff based on ability to pay, with discounts off the average annual household bill.

How can I apply?

Apply directly to company at https://www.bristolwater.co.uk/home/account-and-services/bills-and-payments/struggling-to-pay

Other Social Tariff

If the bill payer and all the adults in your household receive pension credit you may qualify for a discount of around 20% off your bill.

Who can get help?

  • Customers who receive Pension Credit guarantee element


  • Those with total annual household income of less than £20,500 may qualify.

Families with children have an additional allowance of £1,500 per child added to the household income threshold.

The following benefits do not count towards income:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • The disabled child or severely disabled child element of Child Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Housing Benefit or Housing Element of Universal Credit
  • Council Tax Benefit

This does not include the £350 government payment to those households who will be housing Ukrainian citizens, within their income threshold calculation.

What help is provided?

  • 60% bill reduction in Year 1.
  • 40% reduction in Year 2.

If claimants have no income (whilst waiting for a Universal Credit Application to be processed) then charges will be fully waived for an 8 week period. The 60% bill reduction will then apply for the remainder of the first year.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to company at


Who can get help?

Customers receiving an income related benefit and with household income* no higher than the following levels:

  • For 1 person household: £11,600
  • For 2 person household: £17,400
  • For 3+ person households: £18,800

* Excluding Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, disability benefits & premiums, carer’s allowance and carer premiums

What help is provided?

The annual HelpU charge from 1st April 2025 is £319.03 (£128.17 for water, £190.86 for sewerage).

How can I apply?

Apply direct to the company:


Who can get help?

  • If your total household income is less than £26,000


  • If a member of your household receives Pension Credit, and your annual water bill is 3% or more of your net household income (after housing costs, rent or mortgage payments)

What help is provided?

Discount (up to 40%) against annual bill based on circumstances.

How can I apply?

The Money Advice Service debt advice service locator can be found here: https://www.eswater.co.uk/services/extra-support/financial-support/supportplus/

Who can get help?

If you pay measured charges through a water meter, Hartlepool Water has a range of different schemes available depending on your situation.

What help is provided?

You could get a discount of up to 50% on your water and sewerage charges.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to the company.


Who can get help?

  • If your total household income is less than £26,000, and your annual water bill is more than 3% of your net household income (after housing costs, rent or mortgage payments)


  • If someone in your household receives Pension Credit, and your annual water bill is 3% or more of your net household income (after housing costs, rent or mortgage payments)

What help is provided?

Discount (up to 40%) against annual bill based on circumstances.

How can I apply?

Contact the company. More information can be found at https://www.nwl.co.uk/services/extra-support/financial-support/supportplus/

Who can get help?

Helping hand is a new tariff for customers who have a low income or are in receipt of certain benefits. If your application is successful your water bill will be capped at our minimum charge for the year – currently £91.12. Anyone with an income of less than £21,000 is eligible. The following benefits are not counted towards this income threshold:

• Child Tax Credit
• Pension Credit
• Personal Independence Payment
• Mortgage Interest Relief
• Attendance Allowance
• Housing / Council Tax Benefit
• Disability Living Allowance

How can I apply?

Applications should be made directly to the company here https://www.portsmouthwater.co.uk/customer-services/problems-paying/

Who can get help?

The Big Difference Scheme is for household customers on low incomes who struggle to pay their water or sewerage bills.

Once you apply, an assessment of your household’s income will be carried out. This takes into account everyone in the household.

What help is provided?

If your application is successful, an amount you should be paying will be recommended. There are several bands of charges, also known as tariffs.

How can I apply?

If you want to apply for the Big Difference Scheme, you can talk to the company or any debt advice agency such as Citizens Advice.


Who can get help?

Customers whose total household income (excluding any disability and housing payment they receive) is either below £17,000 or between £17,000 and £20,000.

What help is provided?

If your total household income (excluding any disability and housing payment you receive) is between £17,000 and £21,000 you will receive a 30% reduction on your water bill.

If your household income is less than £17,000, you will receive a 50% reduction on your bill.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to company here: https://www.southeastwater.co.uk/help/priority-services/help-paying-your-bill

Who can get help?

You’ll qualify for the Essentials tariff if:

  • your household income is less than £22,020 (excluding Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments) and you have savings of less than £16,000
  • someone in your household receives pension credits.

What help is provided?

If you qualify, the annual bill will be discounted by between 45% and 90% depending on your income. The discount for those qualifying only through someone receiving pension credit is 45%

How can I apply?

Apply direct to company at https://www.southernwater.co.uk/difficulty-paying-your-bill

or via advice agency.

Who can get help?

Customers who receive Pension Credit guarantee element


Those with total annual household income of less than £22,011 may qualify.

Families with children have an additional allowance of £1,500 per child added to the household income threshold.

The following benefits do not count towards income:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • The disabled child or severely disabled child element of Child Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Housing Benefit or Housing Element of Universal Credit
  • Council Tax Benefit

What help is provided?

  • 60% bill reduction in year 1.
  • 40% reduction in year 2.
  • 20% reduction from year 3 onwards.

If claimants have no income (whilst waiting for a Universal Credit Application to be processed) then charges will be fully waived for an 8 week period. The 60% bill reduction will then apply for the remainder of the first year.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to company at https://www.south-staffs-water.co.uk/household/extra-help/help-with-paying

Who can get help?

WaterCare is a tariff for South West Water customers who pay 5% or more of their equivalised income (after housing costs) on their household bill. Equivalised income is actual money income which is adjusted to reflect the size of a household. For example, an income of £200 is worth more to a single person than it would be to a family with 3 children.

To qualify for WaterCare you must have either a meter or on assessed charges.

What help is provided?

There are 5 bandings which will be applied to your account between 15% and 85%.

How can I apply?

Apply direct to South West Water: https://www.southwestwater.co.uk/help/need-help-paying-bill/

Who can get help?

You could be eligible for this scheme if your yearly gross income is:

  • Less than £19,995 before any deductions, if you do not live in a London borough; or
  • Less than £25,207 before any deductions, if you do live in a London borough

Disablement benefits are not included as income.

What help is provided?

50% Discount from annual water bill.

How can I apply?

Apply directly to the company at https://seswater.co.uk/your-account/paying-your-bill/help-paying-your-bill#watersupportscheme

Paper versions of form available by calling 01737 772000

Representatives of customers are also able to apply on their behalf.

Further support

SES Water also offers the following schemes:

  • Breathing Space allows you to pause your payments if you need help getting back on your feet
  • WaterSure will cap your water bills if you’re a metered customer on benefits, if you have a large family or have medical conditions that mean you use lots of water
  • WaterDirect allows you to pay your water bills directly from your benefits

Who can get help?

If your water bill is more than 5% of your net income, you may be eligible for WaterHelp (depending how many people live at your property).

What help is provided?

Those who qualify will receive a 50% discount on their bill.

How can I apply?

Apply directly to the company at https://www.thameswater.co.uk/help/account-and-billing/financial-support

Help to Pay

Who can get help?

Customers in receipt of Pension Credit.

What help is provided?

The amount you pay will depend on whether you live alone or with other adults at the same address who also receive Pension Credit.

  • Tier 1 – £296.40
  • Tier 2 – £422.40

How can I apply?

Apply direct to the company: http://www.unitedutilities.com/apply-for-help-to-pay-scheme.aspx

Back on Track

Who can get help?

To be eligible for the Back on Track scheme you must receive at least one of these income related benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Income-based job seeker’s allowance
  • Universal credit
  • Working tax credit
  • Child tax credit
  • Housing benefit
  • Council tax reduction/support
  • Pension credit

In addition to receiving one of the benefits above, you be must either; be in arrears with previous years’ water charges


Have a household income of less than £21,500 a year if applying due to a recent life event.

As part of the application process they will ask you to either provide evidence of the benefits you receive or provide proof of how your household income has reduced.

What help is provided?

Depending on your individual circumstances your water bill will be capped at a lower amount for the year.

How can I apply?

Apply directly to the company at https://www.unitedutilities.com/services/your-bill/difficulty-paying-your-bill/

Low-income water-discount scheme

The company will automatically apply a £50 yearly discount to bills for those customers it has identified as eligible due to low income.

Reduced bill Assist

Who can get help?

Assist is for those struggling to pay who need a large discount on their bill. You do not need to receive benefits to apply.

What help is provided?

A low rate tariff based on ability to pay, with discounts up to 90% on the annual average household bill.

How can I apply?

You can apply for Assist with Wessex Water at www.wessexwater.co.uk/your-account/help-paying/apply-for-assist

Discount for low income pensioners

Who can get help?

You can apply if Wessex Water provides you with water and/or sewerage services and all the adults in your household receive Pension Credit or the state pension is your (and their) only income.

What help is provided?

They will reduce your bill by around £55 every year. You do not need to reapply each year or if you move home.

How can I apply?

To apply for this discount, you will need a copy of your evidence to show entitlement to Pension Credit or a copy of your bank statement showing the state pension as your only income. Any evidence sent needs to show your name and address and be dated within the last 12 months. You can apply for a Discount for low income pensioners with Wessex Water at www.wessexwater.co.uk/bills-and-accounts/help-to-pay-your-bill/discount-for-low-income-pensioners

Who can get help?

The WaterSupport Scheme helps customers on lower incomes pay their water charges

What help is provided?

Annual bills are capped, depending on individual circumstances, at either £270, £354 or £409.

How can I apply?

By application direct to the company at https://www.yorkshirewater.com/billing-payments/help-paying-your-bill/