Understanding consumer priorities

A vital part of CCW’s research is around understanding the key priorities facing customers across England and Wales when it comes to their water supply. By listening to people and their concerns, we are able to represent them as an organisation more effectively.
Our Understanding Consumer Priorities research aims were to go beyond the known topics of pollution, bills, and leaks – which remain the most-discussed issues according to our deep listening research – and uncover newer, emerging priorities affecting customers. These include:
- Water quality – whether the water that comes out of people’s taps is safe to drink – this is something being discussed heavily, perhaps prompted by news coverage of pollution in rivers and streams
- Smart Meters – whilst some consumers see them as extremely beneficial for cost savings, others are concerned about switching, feeling being forced by water companies, without having a choice on the matter
- Pipe responsibility – consumers are increasingly unsure who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of water pipes. People express frustration with the responsiveness and indifference of water companies when reporting issues.
- Financial Stability – ownership and stakeholder profits are less important to customers than the financial and operational viability of water companies.
This report sets out these emerging priorities in detail and, looking ahead, what these might mean for water companies. In addition, the findings will also help shape future CCW campaigns, ensuring we are responding to the issues that matter most to consumers in England and Wales. CCW will also continue to monitor consumer priorities over the months to come, as news and media coverage of water topics brings new concerns to the forefront.