Testing the Waters 2024

Every two years CCW conducts research to understand the opinions of business water users in England and Wales. The research has been tracking businesses’ views on their water, sewerage and retail services since before the non-household water retail market opened in England in April 2017. This is our fifth Testing the Waters report, which shows:
- Overall satisfaction with water and sewerage services has largely remained the same since 2022. However, satisfaction remains significantly higher among businesses in Wales than England.
- Retail services satisfaction has continued to decline since the opening of the market in England. Now less than two-thirds of customers in England are satisfied.
- Just over half of businesses (57%) in England are aware of the water retail market. There are significant differences by business size, with three-quarters of the largest businesses aware, compared to half of micro businesses.
- There is a significant difference in switching and renegotiating behaviour between business sizes, with over 40% of the largest having switched or renegotiated compared to just over 30% of micro businesses. Those who have switched or renegotiated say they have since received better value for money.
- Larger businesses are more likely to be taking some action to save water than smaller businesses.
- Over a third (35%) of businesses in England and Wales express an interest in learning how to make water savings for their business, rising to almost 60% of the largest businesses.
We will be working with retailers throughout the year to help address the main issues that are leading to customer dissatisfaction. We will also be encouraging water companies and retailers to work together to offer businesses advice and guidance on reducing their water use and helping them to save money off their bills.
For further insight and details you can read the full highlights and data report, as well as a short video showing key findings.
Business customers’ views on water, sewerage and retail services