Water Matters – Household customers’ views of their water and sewerage services 2019

Our latest findings from our annual Water Matters survey tracks household customers’ views and preferences on the services and support that they receive from the water companies in England and Wales.
Key findings include:
- Customers’ satisfaction with value for money of water and sewerage services is rising and more customers agree that what they are charged is fair. However, there is still much more for water companies to do to improve perceptions.
- Our new Customer Engagement index shows that customers are becoming less engaged with their water company – putting more people at risk of missing out on financial and practical support when they need it.
- Customers in Wales are less positive than in previous years but remain generally more satisfied with their water company than those in England.
Interviews for this year’s report were carried out between September 2019 and the end of March 2020. The report provides a snapshot of customers’ experiences largely before the impact of coronavirus and subsequent lockdown had taken hold.
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If you have any questions about this report, please email [email protected]