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  • BLOG: A partnership that has delivered real benefits

    Back in January 2016 CCWater teamed up with poverty relief charity Turn2Us to launch two online tools to help boost the income of water customers in financial hardship. A year on from forging this new partnership, our affordability expert Andy...

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  • BLOG: 5 ways to pull the plug on water debt

    Are you feeling the drip, drip, drip of finances draining away after Christmas?  You don’t need to struggle on alone with these worries – there are many ways to help pay your water bills and some are better known than...

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  • Water choice – industry launches awareness-raising campaign

    Today marks the launch of a new industry-wide campaign aimed at raising awareness of the new non-household retail water market in England. There are just ten weeks to go until 1.2 million businesses, charities and public sector organisations will have...

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  • BLOG: Pledge to save water in 2017? We’ll drink to that

    It’s that time of year when lots of us agonise over our New Year resolutions. From quitting smoking to losing weight, many of us will commit to something that will often end in failure within days – or even minutes...

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  • Make sure your festive food isn’t a costly pain in the drain

    Fat, oil and grease major cause of sewer blockages in Wales. 2,000 blockages a month costing £7million per year. Blockages lead to human misery and every year flood hundreds of homes. Tipping turkey fat, gravy and other leftovers down the...

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  • Make sure your festive food isn’t a costly pain in the drain

    Tipping turkey fat, gravy and other leftovers down the plughole this Christmas could be a recipe for disaster, the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) is warning households. The consumer watchdog is urging everyone to stop and think about what they...

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  • Metering not a silver bullet for tackling water scarcity

    Can metering help encourage more consumers to consciously save water? In this article for Utility Week opens in new window, our Chief Executive Tony Smith explains by water meters will only ever provide part of the solution. How great is the...

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  • Water companies showcase efforts to tackle water debt

    Efforts to prevent more struggling Welsh households from sinking into debt will come under the spotlight at the Consumer Council for Water’s (CCWater) Board meeting in public on Tuesday (December 6). The consumer watchdog has invited water company bosses from...

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  • Beneath the Surface: Customers’ Experiences of Universal Metering

    CCW and Southern Water publish joint consumer research to understand customers’ experiences of Southern Water’s Universal Metering Programme (UMP). We wanted to identify what worked well for consumers in terms of communication, installation, billing and water-saving behaviour. Armed with these insights...

    Read more about Beneath the Surface: Customers’ Experiences of Universal Metering