Have your say on water company plans for 2025-30 and beyond

Your water, your say

Every five years, the water regulator Ofwat sets price controls for the water and wastewater companies in England and Wales. This not only sets the water and wastewater bills customers will pay, but also the level of investment and service improvements the companies should deliver for people and the environment.

Water and wastewater companies in England and Wales have submitted their plans for 2025 to 2030 to the regulator, Ofwat. These plans will cover everything they do now and in the future.

Ofwat has been scrutinising the companies’ proposals and issued its initial decisions (Draft Determinations) on 11 July. This is a month later than was originally planned due to the General Election.

Last year, each company held two ‘Your water, your say’ online meetings to allow customers and stakeholders to question them and challenge their plans.

Then in late July 2024, Ofwat held two of its own online ‘Your water, your say’ sessions following its draft determinations. One session was held on 23 July focusing on the water companies in England, with a second held the following day to discuss the suppliers in Wales.

The meetings were designed to give customers and other stakeholders the chance to hear directly from Ofwat about its proposals and put questions to the regulator. Each meeting had an independent chair to make sure they ran smoothly and ensure the regulator responded to as many questions as possible.

The panel featured senior figures from Ofwat including CEO David Black and Chair Ian Coucher.

Almost 700 people attended the two meetings and you can read more about them in Ofwat’s press release. 

Ofwat has now published its presentations from each meeting:

Ofwat has also published a summary of the discussion at each meeting:

We expect the regulator to consider the questions and concerns raised by customers and stakeholders at these two meetings as it develops its final decisions. These final determinations were published in December 2024.