Help us to protect essential water supplies – and the environment

Save water now, to avoid summer restrictions
Hot and dry summers are becoming more common and this reduces our available water resources due to lower river flows and reservoir levels. Summer is also time when people tend to increase their water usage at home and in the garden which further drains supplies. Together, this can result in the introduction of hosepipe bans to protect the natural environment and the public water supply.
Although all hosepipe bans have now been lifted, the environment is still recovering in some areas and some water company reservoirs are far from full – even though we’ve seen some recent welcome rainfall.
The good news is water companies are working hard to save water by repairing leaks in their networks, encouraging customers to trial a water meter, and investing in new technologies to improve their water efficiency.
Despite all this effort, our precious supply of water will still come under pressure in summer. Use our tool to find out if there is enough water where you live.
What is a water shortage?
This often happens when there has been a lack of rainfall over time. It can have a huge impact on the rivers and streams where a lot of our tap water comes from. Water companies therefore need to balance the needs of their customers and the environment.
We depend on rainfall over the autumn and winter to top up our reservoir levels and underground sources of water. If that doesn’t happen, water companies may have to introduce restrictions for people to make sure there is enough water to go round.
How can you help?
Saving water doesn’t have to be a chore. It should be a conscious choice we make every day, rather than just for a few months.
By making small changes to our daily routines, we can make a significant difference in our homes, create greener communities, and protect the environment.
Everything counts, from turning off the tap when brushing your teeth to using rainwater for plants, taking shorter showers, or refraining from using water sprinklers. These actions help save water, save money, and prevent a water shortage.
Water facts:
- On average, a shower uses a massive 10 litres of water every minute!
- Collect rainwater with a water butt: It’s actually better for your plants as it has a lower pH.
- Just by turning off the tap when you brush your teeth, you save up to 48 cups of clean, drinkable water every time!
Hear the latest drought update
Water saving advice
- Water-saving tips
- Garden water-saving tips
- Water saving advice and products
- Listen to our podcast for even more tips
Use our tools
Check out our helpful online tools to help you understand the water situation in your area and do your part to save water and the environment.