Keyboard with hot key to complaint

We have now published our response to the complaint monitoring consultation that we issued in February 2017.

The feedback we received was generally supportive of our proposals on collecting and reporting information on customer complaints received by retailers in the new non-household water market.

We will not make any significant changes to our planned approach and will collect data on overall customer numbers and written complaints on a monthly basis.

You can view the responses received and our decisions taken as a result in our complaint monitoring consultation response documents below.

Download CCWater's Executive Summary consultation of responses received on proposed approach to collecting and publishing retailer complaints in non-household retail market - April 2017 (pdf – 220 KB)
Download Reponses to CCWater's consultation on proposed approach to collecting and publishing retailer complaints in non-household market - April 2017 (pdf – 361 KB)
Download CCWater complaint monitoring data collection template - April 2017 (xlsx – 16 KB)

Will there be any changes?

The main change is that we will not be requesting either ‘unwanted contacts’ data or ‘telephone complaints’ data until we have held a workshop with retailers later this summer to determine the best way forward.

We will be in touch shortly with details of the workshop.