map showing preston

LESSONS learned from recent incidents involving water companies will top the agenda when the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) holds its board meeting in public on Tuesday (9 February).

The water watchdog will explore the role of water companies in flood management and prevention, and look at what they can do to protect their assets during any future floods.

Representatives from United Utilities, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water will join CCWater’s board members for the meeting which will also discuss what the water industry has learned from last summer’s cryptosporidium outbreak in Lancashire during which households had to boil their tap water.

Alan Lovell, Chair of CCWater said: “CCWater was in constant contact with the water companies when parts of Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria were badly hit by flooding in December and January.

“Now we’re keen to explore what the companies can do to help prevent floods in the future and what measures they can put in place to protect vital assets such as pumping stations and sewage works which may be at risk from water damage.

“We will also be looking at good practice in preventing and managing water quality issues following the cryptosporidium incident which affected more than 300,000 household customers and many businesses in Lancashire for several weeks last summer.”

Water customers will have the opportunity to raise their own issues of interest or concern during a short session at the start of the meeting at the Preston Marriott Hotel, which begins at 10.30am.

For further information or if you plan to attend please contact Board Secretary Gary Fisher on 0121 345 1042 or email [email protected]