Landlords urged to act now to avoid impact of unpaid water bills
TIME is running out for landlords to ensure they comply with new regulations on the payment of water bills, the Consumer Council for Water has warned.
Landlords of properties with water supplied by Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water or Dee Valley Water have until March 31 to ensure they have provided those companies with details of all tenants.
From April 2015 landlords who have failed to do this will become responsible for the water charges for that property.1
Diane McCrea, Chair of the Consumer Council for Water’s Wales Committee, said:
“Even if you only let your property to friends, family or colleagues on a ‘casual’ basis these new regulations still apply to you.
“Once your tenants are registered the water company will also need to know every time a new person rents your property.”
It is hoped the Welsh Government regulations will provide water companies with up to date, accurate information about occupiers so they can bill the correct tenants. This should also help customers to budget and get access to any water bill assistance schemes they may qualify for. Through having accurate information about occupiers, the water companies will be able to identify potentially vulnerable customers earlier and offer targeted help and advice.
Landlords should contact their water company to register details of tenants or visit the portal
For more information on the regulations visit the Welsh Government website at
1 Landlords who fail to register all of the tenants in their property, will become jointly and severally liable for the water/sewerage charges of that household.