Mother and daughter watering potted plant at community garden

CCW is encouraging people across Cornwall and Devon to keep up the habit of using water wisely even after hosepipe restrictions are lifted next week.

South West Water has today confirmed that the hosepipe ban affecting communities across those regions will end on 25 September. Read South West Water’s announcement.

The combined efforts of customers, South West Water’s work on the ground and recent rainfall have bolstered water levels. Roadford Reservoir is at 53% storage, up 10% from this time last year, while Colliford Reservoir is at 52% storage, up 28% from last year.

CCW has applauded the response from communities while urging people to continue to be mindful of saving water to help protect the environment and save money – particularly if they are a metered household.

Cath Jones, Head of Company Engagement for the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), said:

People across Cornwall and Devon have responded brilliantly to the challenge of using water wisely, but it’s really important even after restrictions are lifted that people continue those good habits. For most of us recycling is now second nature and we need to adopt that same mindset when it comes to valuing water.

Our research shows that the majority of people do recognise the need to do more to reduce their water use and it’s up to the water sector to help guide households towards simple actions that can make a big difference. CCW’s website is packed with lots of helpful advice on how to save water and money.

Check out our top water-saving tips

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