Water company performance

Our 2023-24 Water Mark assessment shows how well your water company is performing in the areas that matter most to people.

Water Mark contains information on customers’ views, complaints and operational performance (excel). To demonstrate how well each company has performed,each area has been compared and graded based on our methodology.

Overall service

Customers were asked, ‘Taking into account your overall experience of water, sewerage and customer services, (where applicable) how satisfied or dissatisfied are you?’ Rating based on a five-year rolling average.

Companies should focus on creating and maintaining a customer Customer Centric Culture and understanding the needs and expectations of their customers – especially when things go wrong.

We have made recommendations to government to improve the Guaranteed Standards Scheme which protects water consumers.

Value for money

Customers were asked, ‘Thinking now about value for money, how satisfied or dissatisfied with the value for money of the water and/or sewerage services in your area.’ Rating based on a five-year rolling average.

Customers will find more value in the services they receive if the companies are able to understand and respond to their needs.  See our work on Fair and affordable bills and the Price Review

People also tell us that it is important that they know what they are getting for their money and so companies should look to increase transparency in this area.

Bills are fair

Customers were asked, ‘How much do you agree or disagree that the charges you pay are fair? Rating based on a five-year rolling average.

We are supporting trials of innovative tariffs for both household and non-household customers.

With trust in companies being at an all-time low, it is more important than ever to build reassurance for customers that their money is being well-spent.


Customers were asked, ‘How much do you agree or disagree that the water and/or sewerage charges you pay are affordable? Rating based on a five-year rolling average.

Companies should continue to improve the support they offer to financially vulnerable households, and raise awareness of that support. We also want to see a single social tariff scheme introduced to end water poverty.

We are reviewing the WaterSure scheme to ensure it continues to meet people’s needs.

Awareness of additional services

Customers were asked, ‘Are you aware of any additional free services, (also known as priority services) offered by your water company, such as large print bills, Braille bills for people who need them, passwords to check that company callers are genuine, or liaison with customers on dialysis who need a constant supply of water?’ Rating based on a five-year rolling average.

Consumers should be aware of what support their water company will provide if they need it – See the Service for All vulnerability guidance.

Total complaints

The number of complaints per 10,000 connections based on quartile performance.

Water companies must do more to sort out complaints at the first opportunity. Customers should not have to spend more time than necessary to resolve their complaint.

To address this, CCW is using our expertise to help companies to understand and resolve the root causes behind the escalation of complaints. We did two-day complaint assessments at five water companies in 2023-24, and we will have visited every water company in England and Wales by the end of March 2025.

Complaints handling measure

Rating based on a composite score of complaints that are not resolved first time by companies and those that customers bring to CCW for resolution

Water companies must do more to sort out complaints at the first opportunity. Customers should not have to spend more time than necessary to resolve their complaint.

To address this, CCW is using our expertise to help companies to understand and resolve the root causes behind the escalation of complaints. We did two-day complaint assessments at five water companies in 2023-24, and we will have visited every water company in England and Wales by the end of March 2025.

Environmental Performance Assessment

The Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales summaries of environmental performance.

This measure does not apply to water only companies. Information is not available for Hafren Dyfrdwy.

Customer satisfaction and trust in their water company is driven – or undermined – by perceptions of poor environmental performance.


The annual amount of water leaked from each company’s pipes, compared to number of properties that the company supplies. (Litres per property per day.) Based on quartile performance.

Providing water, fixing leaks and repairing burst pipes continue to be seen as water companies’ main responsibilities.

Sewer flooding (internal and external)

Internal: The number of properties, flooded with sewage, per 10,000 connections to sewers. Based on quartile performance.

External: The number of areas of private land or gardens flooded with sewage per 10,000 connections to sewers. Based on quartile performance

For our ‘End Sewer Flooding Misery’ campaign, we worked with companies to help them improve the support they provide victims of sewer flooding.

Sewerage companies have promised to make some importance changes to their policies but we have yet to see these commitments implemented in a way that victims tell us really makes a difference following a flooding incident. For more information see our end sewer flooding misery campaign.

Supply interruptions

The number of hours lost to water supply interruptions, of three hours or longer, per property served. Based on quartile performance.

A reliable and consistent supply of water is the minimum that customers should expect.

Average water use

The average amount of water used per person, per day. Was previously the annual average PCC.

Companies need to increase awareness of the need to reduce our water usage. People need help understanding the connection between their daily water habits and the crucial task of safeguarding our water environment.

Water only companies

Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Poor
Complaints handling measure Better than average
Leakage Worse than average
Supply interruptions Good
Average water use Poor
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Worse than average
Total complaints Good
Complaints handling measure Better than average
Leakage Good
Supply interruptions Worse than average
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Poor
Complaints handling measure Poor
Leakage Good
Supply interruptions Better than average
Average water use Good
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Better than average
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Leakage Good
Supply interruptions Better than average
Average water use Poor
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Good
Complaints handling measure Good
Leakage Better than average
Supply interruptions Good
Average water use Poor
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Worse than average
Complaints handling measure Poor
Leakage Good
Supply interruptions Good
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Worse than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Better than average
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Leakage Better than average
Supply interruptions Poor
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Worse than average
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Leakage Worse than average
Supply interruptions Good
Average water use Better than average

Water and sewerage companies

Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Better than average
Complaints handling measure Better than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Good
Internal sewer flooding Worse than average
External sewer flooding Worse than average
Supply interruptions Worse than average
Average water use Better than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Worse than average
Complaints handling measure Poor
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Poor
Internal sewer flooding Good
External sewer flooding Poor
Supply interruptions Poor
Average water use Poor
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Good
Complaints handling measure Better than average
Environmental performance No score available
Leakage Poor
Internal sewer flooding Worse than average
External sewer flooding Poor
Supply interruptions Poor
Average water use Good
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Better than average
Complaints handling measure Better than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Better than average
Leakage Better than average
Internal sewer flooding Good
External sewer flooding Worse than average
Supply interruptions Good
Average water use Poor
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Good
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Good
Leakage Worse than average
Internal sewer flooding Better than average
External sewer flooding Good
Supply interruptions Better than average
Average water use Good
Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Worse than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Worse than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Worse than average
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Worse than average
Internal sewer flooding Good
External sewer flooding Better than average
Supply interruptions Worse than average
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Worse than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Poor
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Better than average
Internal sewer flooding Poor
External sewer flooding Good
Supply interruptions Poor
Average water use Good
Performance measure Score
Overall service Better than average
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Poor
Complaints handling measure Poor
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Poor
Internal sewer flooding Worse than average
External sewer flooding Worse than average
Supply interruptions Poor
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Worse than average
Complaints handling measure Worse than average
Environmental Performance Assessment Good
Leakage Poor
Internal sewer flooding Poor
External sewer flooding Better than average
Supply interruptions Worse than average
Average water use Worse than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Good
Complaints handling measure Good
Environmental Performance Assessment Good
Leakage Poor
Internal sewer flooding Better than average
External sewer flooding Good
Supply interruptions Better than average
Average water use Better than average
Performance measure Score
Overall service Good
Value for money Better than average
Bills are fair Worse than average
Affordability Better than average
Awareness of additional services Poor
Total complaints Poor
Complaints handling measure Poor
Environmental Performance Assessment Worse than average
Leakage Worse than average
Internal sewer flooding Poor
External sewer flooding Poor
Supply interruptions Worse than average
Average water use Good
Download Download the full Water Mark table (pdf – 97 KB)

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