Complaint performance

We share information with household customers about how their water companies handle complaints each quarter. This data comes from complaints made directly to the water companies and those reported to us.

How we measure performance

  • For this quarterly complaints update, we use two sources to understand how companies are performing with complaints:
  • complaints received directly by the companies; and
  • complaints raised directly to CCW about the companies

This update focuses on the complaints performance for the current year, 2024-25.

How we compare performance

To compare companies of different sizes, we use a metric called ‘complaints per 10,000 connections’. This metric takes into account the number of water and wastewater connections each company serves.

For example, if Company A received 600 complaints and has 4,000,000 total connections, the calculation would be:

Complaints per 10,000 connections = 600/4,000,000 x 10,000 = 1.5

Comparative performance: we compare the performance of individual companies within their respective segments as either Water and Sewerage Companies (WaSCs) or Water Only Companies (WOCs).

Important note: the data in this publication is unaudited and a subject to change at the end of the year.

How we measure
Quartile 1 – Good
Quartile 2 – Better than median*
Quartile 3 – Worse than median*
Quartile 4 – Poor

*Median – a mid-point of the data set, or a middle value in the list of numbers that are arranged by highest to lowest.

Water and sewerage companies’ performance in 2024-25 (year to date)

Company Household connections Complaints to company Per 10k (company) Complaints to CCW Per 10k (to CCW)
Anglian Water 3,082,287 8,312 26.97 296 0.96
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water 1,498,832 5,826 338.87 219 1.46
Hafren Dyfrdwy 100,686 149 14.80 18 1.79
Northumbrian Water 1,266,440 3,147 24.85 54 0.43
Severn Trent Water 4,518,810 8,499  18.81 755 1.67
South West Water 1,022,599 5,229  51.13 195 1.91
Southern Water 2,077,571 9,251  44.53 408 1.96
Thames Water 5,979,736 45,926  76.80 1,894 3.17
United Utilities 3,371,871 16,000  47.45 473 1.40
Wessex Water 1,279,658 2,552  19.94 51 0.40
Yorkshire Water 2,388,813 16,099  67.39 590 2.47


Water only companies’ performance in 2024-25 (year to date)

Company Household connections Complaints to company Per 10k (company) Complaints to CCW Per 10k (to CCW)
Affinity Water 1,508,900 7,193 47.67 328 2.17
Bristol Water 527,879 1,136 21.52 30 0.57
Cambridge Water 142,762 531 37.19 27 1.89
Essex & Suffolk Water 795,070 2,995 37.67 53 0.67
Portsmouth Water 310,725 780 25.10 8 0.26
SES Water 289,054 1,613 55.80 117 4.05
South East Water 1,014,859 3,249 32.01 132 1.30
South Staffs Water 574,646 1,491 25.95 81 1.41


Complaint trend

Below, you’ll find graphs that track how company complaint trends changed over time. First graph shows complaints received by company per 10,000 connections, while the other illustrates complaints reported directly to CCW per 10,000 connections.


blue solid line Company performance
red dotted line Poor – if company performance is above line
black dotted line Median* performance
green dotted line Good – if company performance is below line

*Median – a mid-point of the data set, or a middle value in the list of numbers that are arranged by highest to lowest.


Water and sewerage companies

Anglian Water

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water

Hafren Dyfrdwy

Northumbrian Water

Severn Trent Water

South West Water

Southern Water

Thames Water

United Utilities

Wessex Water

Yorkshire Water


Water only companies

Affinity Water

Bristol Water

Cambridge Water

Essex & Suffolk Water

Portsmouth Water

SES Water

South East Water

South Staffs Water