In this section
Have a complaint?
If you have a complaint that you haven’t been able to resolve directly with your retailer, or you are having issues with your water or sewerage services, we can help.Make a complaint -
Switching suppliers
If you run a business in England, you can shop around for a better water deal. Find out more about the retail water market, including which retailers are operating in it.Water retailers -
Try our complaint letter tool
Need help writing a complaint letter to your retailer? Enter a few details and our tool will generate a letter of complaint that you can send to your retailer.Use our complaint letter tool -
Help to navigate the retail market
We've worked with the RWG to produce some customer guidance documents to help non-household customers navigate the retail market.See customer guidance -
Bill help for your business
It’s hard to run a small business and sometimes a business can unexpectedly find itself in financial difficulty. The most important thing to do is take action and get advice as soon as possible.Get bill help for your business -
Retail performance
We want you to have access to as much information as possible on the performance of water retail service providers so that you can make an informed choice.Retail performance -
Business meetings
We hold bi-annual meetings as well as informal workshops for customers and representatives of customer groups to ask questions or share your views on the Non-Household market.View details of our next meeting -
Our research
We conduct research on a variety of water industry topics to understand the views of customers and help us challenge retail companies to drive improvement.View our latest research -
Credit Where It's Due campaign
We want all businesses to be confident that their money is protected if their retailer were to exit the market. That’s why we’ve launched our ‘Credit where it’s due’ campaign.Credit where it’s due campaign -
Five year review
Hear about our five year review of the water retail market and the recommendations that we are making to improve the experience of all business customers in England.Hear about our review -
Customer Protection Code of Practice
Make sure you know your rights as a business water customer. Learn about the rules that protect youFind out more about the protections
Have your say... your opinions matter
Head over to our LinkedIn business forum and join in the conversation. It’s your opportunity to ask any questions or comment