Water Saving Week Logo

Whether it’s filling up the kettle for a cuppa, switching on the shower or the washing machine – all of us rely on water every day of our lives.

But population growth and changing weather patterns are putting intense pressure on our water supplies, and the natural environment they are taken from.

Sound far fetched? Not when you delve a little deeper and discover there is less water available per person in the UK than most other European countries.

That’s why it’s never been more important to use water wisely. And the good news is Water Saving Week is the perfect time to soak up lots of simple ideas that can make the world of difference.

Now in its second year, the week-long campaign – which is organised by Waterwise opens in new window and WaterSafe opens in new window – features a host of tips, advice and challenges to help you save water at home, work, school in your garden and community.

Many of the activities will help you to save money, as well as water, if you have a water meter and when you reduce hot water use you will save energy too – providing some of us with an even bigger incentive to get involved!

CCWater will be adding its own water-saving tips and tricks to the stream of advice you can soak up by simply following the hashtag #watersavingweek on Twitter – or by visiting waterwise.org.uk

Go on – take the plunge!

Waterwise’s Jacob Tompkins invites you to join Water Saving Week in his guest blog