Frozen pipes with hanging ice

MORE households risk being caught cold this winter by not protecting their home’s water pipes from the threat of freezing temperatures.

The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) is urging people to act now to ensure their pipes are wrapped up in their winter woollies or risk a burst pipe ruining their festive celebrations.

The warning comes after CCWater research revealed fewer households are taking steps to protect pipework from the winter chill – with potentially devastating consequences.

Dame Yve Buckland, chair of CCWater, said: “After some relatively mild recent winters people might feel they don’t need to protect their pipes – but they are taking a big risk.”

“By lagging your pipes before temperatures fall you can avoid the unwelcome surprise of a burst pipe this winter and the costly misery and disruption it can bring.”

According to CCWater research in 2013 only 46 per cent of water customers took steps to avoid frozen pipes – down from 55 per cent in 2012.

Young people aged 24 to 35 are most at risk of not being properly prepared, while one in five water customers have no idea what to do if a pipe freezes in their home.2

Problems with pipes in our own homes are our responsibility so it’s worth taking time to check they are well insulated.

Even if you live in a rented property it’s also worth investigating whether they have been lagged by the landlord, as a burst pipe could end up wrecking your possessions.

By following our simple advice you can also help ensure a burst pipe doesn’t pour cold water over your festive celebrations:

Act now:

  • Get your pipes and water tanks insulated – visit your local DIY store or shop on line for a variety of products that can help.
  • Wrap bends or hard-to-get-at pipes with securely fixed strips of insulation.
  • Find your stop tap – being able to turn the water off quickly could save a lot of damage.
  • Insulate outside taps or turn them off at the stop tap and drain the water from them.
  • Fix any dripping taps or overflows. A build-up of ice can cause a blockage.
  • Get contact details of a good plumber – if you do have a problem you will want a professional on hand as quickly as possible.
  • On very cold days, open the hatch to your loft to let warm air in from other parts of the house and prevent pipes from freezing.
  • If you go away for a few days, leave your heating on low and set it to come on at least once every day.

What to do if you do have a problem with a frozen pipe:

  • Find your stop tap and turn it off.
  • Make sure any nearby cold taps are turned on, to allow the water to escape when it thaws.
  • Don’t turn hot taps on until the central heating is switched off.
  • Do what you can to protect or remove anything which might be damaged if the pipe bursts when the water thaws.
  • Check all visible pipes for damage or evidence of freezing.
  • If you can identify which pipe is frozen apply a hot water bottle or hot wet towel.
  • If you notice a leak once the water has thawed and pressure in the pipe has built up again, turn off the stop tap and call a plumber. You may want to check the WaterSafe website for a list of registered plumbers.

Many water companies’ websites also feature great advice to prepare you for winter and you can follow us on twitter (@WaterWatchdog) for regular tips.

1 Taken from ‘Water Matters: Household customers’ views on their water and sewerage services 2013’ (pdf)

2 Taken from the 2012 YouGov research report – commissioned by CCWater – ‘Research into domestic customers and SMEs preparedness for winter’ (pdf)