woman at home looking worried getting bills in the post

The number of customer complaints companies receive and how well they deal with them provides a strong indication of a company’s customer service performance. We report on company complaints annually, commending companies that have few complaints and criticising the industry outliers that receive a disproportionately high number of complaints or show a
deteriorating service on previous years. We undertake written complaint assessments as part of our work in holding poorer performing companies to account. Our Assessment Panels consists of a small CCW team drawn from Local Consumer Advocates (LCAs), Consumer Relations and sometimes Policy staff. The panel will visit companies, review 25 complaints and provide feedback to companies, acting as a ‘critical friend’, identifying and sharing areas of good practice and providing advice on areas in which we feel they could do better. This report provides an overview of the 2017-18 written complaint assessments we carried out.

Download Read our Written Complaint Assessments 2017/18 (pdf – 148 KB)