There are a number of scenarios where customers may require a new connection, including:

  • Building a new home
  • Building a commercial property
  • Renovating a house
  • Replacing or renewing an existing supply
  • Installing an agricultural trough
  • Building a block of flats/ apartments
  • Developing a new site

If you need a new water supply or access to the sewerage network, you will need to ask your water company for some or all of the following:

  • A supply pipe connection between the property and the nearest water main
  • A drainage pipe between the property and the nearest sewer
  • A water main
  • A sewer

The cost of the work will depend on the customer and the property that needs to be connected. If you need a new water main or sewer, the work may be in a field or a surfaced road, in which case the customer will need to pay for traffic management and reinstatement of the surface.

Customers can generally choose their own contractor to carry out sewerage connections or to install new sewers. For water connections, you may only be able to ask the water company to do the work, especially if you need average-sized connections to the nearest water main, which is usually in the highway.

Once the water company receives your application, they will send a quotation based on the information provided. For multiple connections on development sites, the quotation will cover a large number of connections at the same time.