Happy child drinking directly from a tap

CCW research, produced in collaboration with Blue Marble opens in new window, into the kitchen sink habits of households in England and Wales has been Highly Commended at the Market Research Society (MRS) Awards 2021 opens in new window.

The Sink Sense research used motion sensitive cameras to observe the difference between what consumers tell us about their kitchen sink habits and what they actually do at the kitchen sink. This innovative approach has since inspired a similar project looking at water use in gardens. Read more about the research here.

CCW was Highly Commended across two categories at the MRS Awards: Qualitative Excellence and New Consumer Insights.

“It’s brilliant to hear that our Sink Sense research has received this recognition,” said Ana Maria Millan, one of the Policy Managers leading the research at CCW.

“The idea came from wanting to understand the gap between what people say they do at the kitchen sink and what they actually do when it comes to water use and disposing of fats, oils and greases. We found that there was limited understanding of the ways in which our kitchen sink habits impact on the environment.

“The team at Blue Marble were great to work with and it’s brilliant to see that the innovative approach we took – of using motion-sensitive cameras to observe actual behaviour – has inspired further research of this kind.”

Tom Clarkson at Blue Marble said; “This is a fantastic achievement for a ground-breaking study. As far as we’re aware, the water sector has never previously used video observation to explore everyday household water usage in this way. Our research delivered powerful insight into the relationship between how the public say they use water at home and what they actually do.

“Following this project, five water companies have collaborated with Blue Marble on a follow-up study exploring garden water usage during the summer months, which is set to be published early next year. We have also been approached about conducting similar studies in Australia.”